- Purpose -
We’re a community who are seeking to express faith through love. We are willing to meet people at their worst and hopefully bring out their best! It is our desire to display the image of the Creator in our everyday lives and through partnering with others to play our part in seeing his image restored in the world around us.
We would love you to come as you are and join us on this journey! Please get in touch with us and follow us on social media to find out how you can get involved.
What motivates us?
“We take our lead from Jesus, who is the source of everything we do. ”
We are not perfect nor fully formed! We have responded to the invitation Jesus extends to everyone to follow him and are learning to walk in his way of life. Through creating an environment of extended family which embraces the tough times as well as celebrating successes we are committed to helping one another make the most of moments where we can learn, grow and become the kind of people God intends.
As seen in our Re:source area - download your personal copy of our Advent devotional - Waiting for the Word.
We’ll put all proceeds from sales towards funding future resources and materials.
Watch out for our next one - there will be a larger print run and pre-orders available!