Safeguarding is very important to us at The Source
We are committed to creating safe contexts in which we can fulfil our statement of practice with the love that Christ demonstrates for his church. We will do all we can to welcome all people from all walks of life and extend the invitation to our community through building relational networks within the spaces that we inhabit. We commit to being non-judgemental, embracing of, and accountable to one and other, choosing to view one and other with the same loving heart as God. We commit to assuming the best of one and other while also acting with wisdom and consideration in regard to the safety and wellbeing of the people whose company we keep.
It is our aim to safeguard members of The Source, Derby community and wider networks and support the community in confidently taking positive action to address any concerns that may arise.Our trustees determine which responsibilities within the community require safeguarding considerations in line with the advice and guidance of local statutory services.
Safeguarding vulnerable adults and children is everyone’s responsibility. If possible safeguarding concerns are observed, they should be discussed with the Safeguarding Lead:
Our Safeguarding Lead is Liz Matthews 07882 243352 LIZMATTHEWS09@GMAIL.COM
Our Safeguarding Lead provides support and guidance to members of the community who have expressed concern about a vulnerable person or potential abuse that may be occurring.
If there are concerns about the immediate safety of a vulnerable person (i.e. significant harm or injury is imminent), then the Police should be contacted via tel. 999 to request an immediate response. If it is a criminal matter, but there is no imminent risk of harm, contact the Police via 101.
Otherwise, during working hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01332 642855. Out of hours contact Careline on 01332 956606.
In each scenario, please complete an adult safeguarding form via the following link: https://secure.derby.gov.uk/forms/?formid=345
If you wish to contact the Police for advice in regard to concerns about a child, contact 0845 123 33 33. Otherwise, during working hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) contact the First Contact Team on 01332 641172. Out of hours contact Careline on 01332 956606. In each scenario, please complete an adult safeguarding form via the following link: https://myaccount.derby.gov.uk/en/service/report_concerns_about_a_child
Community Participants who raise a safeguarding concern should document a written account of their concerns capturing the date, time, location, who was present or involved, what was seen, what was heard, and what action was taken as soon as is practicably possible. This will aid in the accurate reporting of information in future liaison with Safeguarding services and/or the Police.
It is advisable that a copy of this document is shared with the nominated safeguarding lead (Liz Matthews) and community leaders within The Source (Simon and Gaynor Shaw) , unless it pertains to one of them, in which case it should be shared with a Trustee (Jen Smith, Dave Matthews, Robyn Johnstone).
In the event that a safeguarding concern is expressed regarding an ongoing participant of the Source Community, the safeguarding lead will document a risk assessment to mitigate future risks towards others.