Welcome to Advent

The Source UK Derby Collective Community Church

We are an Advent people and this season presents an invitation into the story of God. Advent is a season of preparation, looking back, and looking forward. For Christians it is in the journey of Advent when the real meaning and hope of Christmas is discovered. As we look back at Jesus’ birth and ahead to His future coming, we prepare our hearts, minds and souls for the celebration of His birthday.

To help (re)discover the meaning and hope of Advent and to help celebrate it well, we have designed a series of devotionals and written some songs based on John 1 in the bible: its opening verses provide a poetic account of why Jesus’ birth was so significant. In that moment the powerful Word of God, the creative force behind the cosmos, was created into that cosmos. The formless light of Genesis 1 in the darkest parts of the not-yet-made universe took on form and came to shine into the darkest parts of our world, revealing the love of our heavenly Father. In Jesus, the Word became flesh, God became fully known, seen and present. When we reflect on this world-changing event, we also share in the anticipation of ancient Israel - like them we are waiting for the Word to come again; looking forward to a time when darkness will be fully eradicated and God’s light and life will be all that remains. As we await that day, we can prepare the way now through our thoughts, actions and words.

These devotionals are designed to help us enter into the story of Christ during this season by turning our looking back and looking forward into Advent activity. Each one is a reflection on a verse of John’s poem with questions, activities and prayers to help you prepare your heart, mind and soul for Christmas. Note: There is not quite one for every day. Some days are given for more open reflections and to give you opportunity to catch up, continue pondering what you’ve already looked at, or simply rest - which is also an important part of preparing for Christmas! Each devotion has been written with whole households in mind and is also available on audio so you can listen over a meal, in the car, before bed, or whenever works for you.

As you read, listen, think, pray and do, may you discover the enormous hope and meaning that reside at the centre of this season. And as you join us in Waiting for the Word, may you find your heart warmed and your life illuminated by the light that reveals the Father’s love.

AdventThe Source