John 1:3

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

the source derby advent John 1-3

I loved Asda’s Christmas 2012 advert campaign “Mum’s Behind It” (worth a Google!), ending with the line:

“It doesn’t happen by magic - behind every great Christmas is Mum”.

Whatever your Christmas looks like, there is usually someone behind the scenes, making it happen. This is also a great picture of the Father, Son and Spirit at the creation of the world. Behind everything we see, hear, taste, touch and smell is the Father, Son and Spirit at work. And unlike me taking too much credit for Christmas in our house, the Father wants to acknowledge the Son and Spirit’s part in creation. Jesus is not just in existence before the beginning but He’s making, He’s making everything.

When we were young we could hold the sellotape whilst we wrapped presents and an adult would rearrange the Christmas tree decorations after we’d finished. But John says that through Jesus all things were made. Jesus is not used by the Father to do the easy bits of creation or to put the finishing touches on it. The three persons of the Trinity are involved from start to finish.

And the process of creation doesn’t stop in the book of Genesis - Jesus is continually re-creating. Making new from old, renewing our spirits, rewriting our story, healing, restoring, forgiving, the list goes on…

PROMPT: Do some creating yourself - why not make something in the next few days? Bake a cake, fix something that’s broken, upcycle an object, make some Christmas cards/gifts. Notice and enjoy the process of planning, making and perhaps sharing your creation with others. Most of all, ask Jesus to do a work of re-creation in your life this Advent.