John 1:10
He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognise him.
Writing Stories In The Sky
The story begins with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit gathered close together. God in three persons writing out His story in creation. It takes the whole Bible to tell God’s story. At the centre of the story is a baby, and this baby is no ordinary baby, because He is present in the beginning, although He is only born in the middle of the story...
Psalm 19 describes how He made the world and wove His story into creation’s fabric for all to read:
God’s splendour is a tale that is told; his testament is written in the stars. Space itself speaks his story every day through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing his skill in creation’s craftsmanship. Each day gushes out its message to the next, night with night whispering its knowledge to all. Without a sound, without a word, without a voice being heard, Yet all the world can see its story. Everywhere its gospel is clearly read so all may know (Psalm 19:1-2)
The mysterious God who writes His story into the starry sky above; so large even the highest heavens cannot contain him, curls Himself inside a baby so small, and is born to a virgin from David’s line. The infinite God becomes infant child incarnate. An ancient Jewish story describes how this baby came into the world:
While gentle silence enveloped all things, and night in its swift course was half gone, God’s all-powerful word leapt from heaven, from the royal throne into the world below (Wisdom 18:14-15 (NABRE) (Apocryphal writings)
This extraordinary baby, present in the beginning and born in the middle of the story grows up to become a man – God Himself, clothed in flesh. The prophet Isaiah describes how this man wasn’t recognised by those in the very world He had made:
There was nothing attractive about him, nothing to cause us to take a second look. He was looked down on and passed over, a man who suffered, who knew pain first-hand. One look at him and people turned away (Isaiah 52:2-3)
"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognise him."
PROMPT: Today, reflect on your story:
Think about a time when you’ve encountered God in creation and sensed Him close to you. Reflect on what you sensed and what it made you think.
Can you remember a moment where you knew God was at work in your life and you saw His fingers weaving things together?